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PH Zurich

This is the PH school in the city that we had our meeting with an education professor in. There's an artsy snapchat filter on it :)

Traveling to Zurich

Olivia and I successfully bought our train tickets into the city on our own for the first time!

Minnie at School

This is what our Swiss school looks like! It's so pretty on the outside and the inside.

Exploring Wadenswil

You can just barely see Minnie on the steps of this tall, green pointy church. Today we went exploring around Wadenswil, which is the...

Minnie on the Train

Trains are very popular here; today we took a train to Eisiedeln! There was a lot of snow in Eisiedeln, but there isn't any in Wadenswil...

Eisiedeln Abbey

Today we visited Eisiedeln Abbey (German: Kloster Eisiedeln)

A Day of Travel

It was a long day of travel for Olivia, Chandler, Andria and I, but we've finally made it to Zurich!

First Night With the Host Family

Minnie and I have arrived safely in a little town just outside of Zurich called Wadenswil where our host family lives.

Minnie on the Plane

We're off to London Heathrow Airport where we'll get on another plane to Zurich! “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door....

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